It is hard to believe that on September 1 The Itty-Bitty Bookworm will officially be 2 years old. These past two years have been such an exciting learning experience for me. I have learned new technical skills, met a variety of interesting people in the field of ECE, become a better writer, and revived my creativity. However, the most valuable thing I have learned and experienced is the power of making personal connections. I have connected with my customers, product reviewers, other bloggers, and many people on Twitter. Most of these people I have never met "in real life". However, they are truly my friends. I cannot express how much I appreciate all of the support that so many of you have provided. It is truly amazing!
To thank you for helping with The Itty-Bitty Bookworm's growth and success, I am inviting you to join me for a special, week long birthday party. During the week of August 31, I will be hosting at least two giveaways each day. See the list of our sponsors below. I will also be posting free printables, and maybe even a free monthly curriculum.
Put on your party hats and stop by for some fun!
Birthday Party Sponsors
Books by Tara
Shen's Books
Speak with Me Books
Lee and Low Books
Kim Chatel
Gingerbread Books
Donna Shepherd, Author
Sylvan Dell Publishing
Diana Orgain, Author
Lynn Hazen, Author
Best Fairy Books
Toteworthy Designs
Baby Love Blankies
This Handmade Life
The Itty-Bitty Bookworm
Books by Tara
Shen's Books
Speak with Me Books
Lee and Low Books
Kim Chatel
Gingerbread Books
Donna Shepherd, Author
Sylvan Dell Publishing
Diana Orgain, Author
Lynn Hazen, Author
Best Fairy Books
Toteworthy Designs
Baby Love Blankies
This Handmade Life
The Itty-Bitty Bookworm
Help spread party cheer by grabbing the Birthday Party Button in the sidebar and linking to this post.
This is so exciting!
yay cant wait
cool! and Happy Birthday Itty Bitty! my oldest turns 9 on the 30th so just a few more days and my (oldest)little girl is 9 sniff sniff :(
YAY for you Tara! 2 years of amazing lessons that you have created to help us teach our little ones!!
happy birthday!!!!!
I am really excited! :)
Happy Birthday Itty Bitty!
Looks like fun Tara! Congratulations on 2 years!
This is great! i am totally linking up!
Congrats Tara!
Congratulations! I've never been to your blog before today, but it looks awesome! Can't wait to help you celebrate your bloggy Birthday and following your posts!!
Congrats! You know I Facebooked it, and I blogged about it, too!
Happy birthday Bookworms!!! I am excited to be using the Itty Bitty Curriculum. My 3-year olds and 4-year olds LOVE everything about it! Thank you, Tara and ALL the others who have contributed!
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