Here are the activities we did:
1. We read Welcome to Bob's Building Yard

*As you can see, this was not his favorite activity. He is not a big "colorer". However, I do try to get him to do it some because it is good practice for learning how to correctly hold a pencil.
I am not sure from which site this coloring sheet came. However, there are some really cute ones here and here.
3. I printed out a large letter B collage outline. You can get them here from The Itty-Bitty Bookworm's website. Then I cut "bricks" (small rectangles) out of red construction paper.
I gave Wes the B outline and he colored it red. Next, I gave him a glue stick and the "bricks". I explained that the word "brick" begins with the letter B. Then, Wes glued the bricks onto the B collage outline.
4. I printed this puzzle and cut it out. I gave Wes a piece of construction paper and a glue stick. First, Wes put the puzzle together. Then, I helped him glue it onto the construction paper. Lastly, he traced B's at the top of the paper.
*This was his favorite activity, which makes sense because he has great spatial intelligence.
5. We played Paint the Gang and Design a House.
6. I made theseBob the Builder Letter Tiles We used them to practice visual discrimination. I printed two copies of the uppercase letter set. Wes matched "A" to "A", etc. He loved this.
I like the bricks. My boys were both fans of Bob when they were younger. It's a cute show.
Thats great! I think Z would like this!
bob the builder rocks
love the B for bricks
i'm going to have to print the letter tiles for my nephews thanks for sharing
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