If you are new to the carnival here is some info:
What Is Simply Made Sunday-In the Kitchen With Mom?
Simply Made Sunday is a new linky carnival I will host each Sunday here at Raising Itty-Bitty Bookworms. Each Sunday I will share anything I've created in our kitchen either with or for my kids. This may or may not be something edible. This is a super way to bring together lots of fun kitchen crafts and recipes to share with others. This brings me to the rules for participating....
Simply Made Sunday Rules For Participation:
- You may share recipes you have made currently, or have made in the past--in other words, older kitchen creation posts are welcome any time!
- Your kitchen creation link does not have to be edible--for example, all homemade play dough recipes aren't edible, but would be a great kitchen craft to share.
- Your kids do not have to help make what you link up, this can be something you've made with them or for them.
- Please make sure and include a link back here to my blog, the home of Simply Made Sunday, in your post.
- You do not have to, but it would be greatly appreciated:-) if you used a Simply Made Sunday button in your post--you can grab one from my sidebar.

Here is the cover.
My girls and I decided to try the Peanut Butter Cookies recipe.
Here it is...
They turned out so yummy!
OK, now it's your turn to share some fun from your kitchen. I can't wait to see what you've done and get some fun and yummy ideas too!
I have been linking up to Simply Made Sunday on Susana's blog, so I will definitely join you here most weeks.
I think it is very cool that you collect vintage cookbooks.
I LOVE your vintage cookbook! LOVE pnut butter cookies too.
Thanks for linking to me again:-).
I'll be back tomorrow morning to link up my SMS recipe!!
Look yummy!!! We did cookies this week, too! :D
that is cool yo ucollect vintage cookbooks! that one looks super cute!
Love that cookbook!
I am thrilled that you all appreciate my vintage cookbooks. Unfortunately, my family does not always share your enthusiasm. I guess it is because I have made them try some crazy recipes from them!
I will share some of the other fun cookbooks in my collection in future posts.
oh wow, those look great! my grammy made those!! i'll totally be giving these a try!
Those look DELISH! I love vintage recipes too - only they always say to sift and I don't even have a sifter!
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