Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Have you ever thought, “I’ll be so happy when ____”?    
I have.  In fact, I find myself having that thought quite a lot lately.

I’ll be so happy when school is out for Christmas Break!
I’ll be so happy when I get my car paid off!
I’ll be so happy when I get into shape!
I’ll be so happy when we can go on a family vacation!
I thought about this as I was reading a friend’s FB post today.  She wrote about how she is choosing to find joy in whatever each day may bring.  As I thought more about this, I realized that If my current thinking is “I’ll be happy when …”, I am not finding joy in the present.  
For 2019, I am choosing to be happy NOW.
So, that is my word for 2019.  Now.  

In the spirit of "Now", here is Gracen and I
walking the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge today.
We were enjoying "now-ness".