This contest is closed.
Melanie from Wifey Wows and Mom's Memories is the lucky winner.
Melanie from Wifey Wows and Mom's Memories is the lucky winner.
Thanks to all who participated!

Books by Tara is owned and operated by Tara McClintick. Tara is a certified early childhood special education teacher. She taught in typical and special education settings. However, after her youngest son began showing all the signs of what many refer to as severe autism, she quit teaching outside of the home to provide him with intense one-on-one therapy.
While working with her son, Tara found simple books and pictures to be one of the best interaction tools available. She says that, "They have provided a mutual focus for making social connections." However, she also found that there are a limited amount of simple books that aren’t too "babyish". Therefore, she created Tara Books to help fill that void.
Tara Books are fun picture books created to promote awareness, thinking, and interaction with children. Each book celebrates everyday topics with playful themes that make learning easy and fun. The photos in the books are of familiar scenes and items. They are perfect for stimulating children to look, point, vocalize sounds, words, phrases, and sentences, and ask and answer questions. In addition, on her website, Tara provides extension ideas for each of her books.
Tara Books would be a wonderful addition to any home or classroom library. As Tara says, "Some children seem to develop language skills almost magically. Other children require extra patience, support, and encouragement to make it through each miraculous step. ALL children require engaging experiences with caring adults to truly thrive linguistically."
Tara was generous to send me several of her beautiful books. Upon receiving them, I knew that Jesse Bear would absolutely love them. I was right! He immediately chose to pick up and read "Jack-o-Lantern". This is by far his favorite. He laughs at all of the different Jack-o-lantern faces and points out all of the "gooey pumpkin stuff". I appreciate this book because it is wonderful for introducing or reinforcing the skill of sequencing. From choosing the pumpkin to putting it on your front porch, each page in the book shows a different step in the procedure of pumpkin carving. It is perfect for this time of year, as well!
For this giveaway, Tara is offering one lucky winner two Tara Books: "Water" and "Holes".
To enter this giveaway ~ Visit the Books By Tara website and subscribe to her newsletter. Then come back and leave me a comment.
For additional entries:
Giveaway ends Sept. 7.
Thanks for partying with us! Be sure to stop back by tomorrow!
her books look awesome I love that she has activities for her books on the website! thanks!
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BlueAppleFarm at aol dot com
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Wonderful! I signed up for the newsletter!
Tara has a delightful site!
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Thanks, Cindi
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Many thanks to you!
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on Facebook.....
All is appreciated!
Thanks, Cindi
Very neat books! Water looks super cool - my daughter loves all things water! I just subscribed to her newsletter.
I followed on twitter too!
I just started staying homw with my 3 and 5 year olds. I can't wait to really sink my teeth into their education, and boy howdy, wouldn't these be great!
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nmgills at yahoo dot com
I follow on twitter. mgills
nmgills at yahoo dot com
I'm a friend on facebook:)
Thanks for the give-away. I subscribed to the newsletter
I began following her on twitter.
All signed up!
Congratulations on celebrating 2 years. Love your curriculums.
Her books look great for my kindergarten class. I signed up for the newsletter.
FB friend
Following her on Twitter - sumrthyme
I signed up for her newsletter:
Subscribed to Tara's newsletter
jezie_bell8 at yahoo dot com
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Thank you for sharing ... Tara's website will be a favorite ... just like yours!!
LOVE these book!! thanks Tara!! and Itty Bitty bookworm momma!!
Became a fan on FB!!
ktwalser at yahoo dot com :)
I just signed up for her newsletter - thanks for the chance to win!
I subsribed to neewsletter. : D
I just subscribed to the newsletter. I love the way Tara's books are vibrant. Not only are they bright for the adults, but also for the children.
Tara's book's are great. I signed up for her newsletter.
I subscribed to her newsletter! Awesome books and I love that they are made by a mommy!
I just subscribed to Tara's newsletter. Her books look amazing!
I subscribed to the newsletter=)
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
I can see so many ways to use these books in my kindergarten classroom. These look great.
Hi Tara,
Thanks for sharing this unique author with us! I can't wait to share the Jack-o-Lantern book with my Pre-k class, and my own children as well!
Stephanie Vives
nice site, thanks
I subscribed to the newsletter!
I am following Books by Tara on twitter!
I'm new to your blog and your website. Your books look great, keep up the good work!
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